Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Pimp

Carl Richardson kb5fjx

I tell you, sometimes there are weeks without anything new or interesting to comment about. Lately, that has not been the case, there are not enough hours in the day to check out and post on this recent stuff. Such as the new

But today, someone told me that Carl kb5fjx, was upset with the ‘Wedding Books’ on In reality, I think this was a ploy and it is really artie w6obb, who is upset with some of the comments entered in the wedding books; but as usual, he does not have the balls to confront me himself, so he had to use one of his flunkies to get the information.

The reality of the ‘Wedding Books’ is that I provided them. I do not tell people to post to them or not. I do not tell people what to say.

But I digress. It would seem that artie has accused Carl of ‘chatting’ with people about artie. And if Carl did, so what? Did Carl sign a confidentiality agreement when artie became his brother-in-law? Or when artie paid for Carl’s expenses to marry? I doubt it.

However, while looking into this, I found that Carl kb5fjx, has removed all his wedding photographs from his web site He has added a PUBLIC STATEMENT. Now, it is that PUBLIC STATEMENT that prompted this particular Grudge Report.

In this STATEMENT Carl is sanctimonious, and takes no responsibility for his actions. Carl wonders why people are making ‘hurtful’ comments about him and his wife. Uhhh, how about Carl taking all that money from Art Bell in order to facilitate his own trip and marriage??? And finding a woman for art (his wife’s sister!), in order to get that free trip. That is really a biggie.

While you are at Carl’s site, do click on the About Me link. There is a photo of Carl and his bride there. But the interesting thing is Carl states: I live In Northeast Arkansas in the Ozark Foothills with my beautiful wife Sharon. Is not Sharon STILL in the PI? Does it not take months for the paperwork, visa to be arranged? Is this wishful thinking, or fantasy on Carl’s part? To top all this off, Carl has stated in a couple of places, in writing, that HE will be moving to the PI to join his new wife. In fact, some people were wondering if Carl was moving there to handle arties email (like Ben kd7bcw, does here).

You know what Carl, my mother always taught me not to do anything that I would not want to see in Headlines in the morning paper. She also taught me that when you lie down with dogs (artie), don’t be surprised if you get fleas…

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