Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another HAM Hits the 'net with a Whimper

This one is a ‘log’ authored by Glen Thurman kn6z titled: The Little People Log.

It made its ‘little’ debut on 6.20.06. You can find it at:, or just go to HamCams and click on his picture, which is how I found the new log.

Though I enjoyed reading ‘The Little People Log’, there is much ambiguity and confusion here.

First, Glen states: “Only Little People make my list.” Well, what the hell does that mean at the top of a log? And what list? And aren’t ‘little people’ folks with small bodies, like Billy Barty? Or is this a misnomer and Glen really means ‘small minds’?

Then, I was surprised that Glen opened his ‘Little People Log’ with a famous poem of T.S. Elliot. What does this mean? It is confusing. Is Glen calling T.S. Elliot ‘a little person’? Is he suggesting that the ‘Little People’ actually will understand this much studied and complex verse? Does he think the ‘Little People’ will even recognize the famous bard’s name, let alone understand the multi-syllabic words without a dictionary in hand. Or the thoughtful meaning and symbolism of the poem? Is he challenging them to do so? Is his ‘teacher’ status coming to the fore?

Thankfully, here the ambiguity ends. Glen makes no bones about it, the new entity is a log, not a blog, which is fine by me as I enjoy reading all of ‘em. In fact, the straight reporting style of on air happenings (and Glen’s daily life), sans verbose meanderings, multi-links, flashing ads, and contentious replies, is refreshing.

But then, how can you object to a simple list of QSO’s and static reports? Though I am sure someone will, given time...

Glen also states that the ‘Little People Log’ is an experimental project and that he will probably tire of it. I hope not. Besides, it already has 266 hits. So go read it, fast! Before it’s gone.

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