Apparently, night before last, 9.8.05, there was a long, deep, animated, and sometimes heated discussion on 3.840 regarding the recent disaster of hurricane Katrina. It would seem that all the ‘regulars’ had an opinion (of course, don’t we all!).
The only problem with this was that there were NO ARCHIVED RECORDINGS of this, no doubt, collectable event. Even artie w60bb does not have any recordings! He said that: in order for the recordings that are made (by s-meter) and replayed the next day to be saved, artie himself has to notify s-meter BEFORE 8pm. That is BEFORE anyone knows if there’s going to be a ‘need’ for such a record to be archived! (Guess the highly touted s-meter does have its flaws.)
And, let's face it, even if artie HAD recordings, he'd only share them with 'the loop cult' and then only after he'd edited them!
Last night, there was much on air moaning and groaning by various HAMS who’d missed the most recent fun and games. They wanted to listen to recordings of the conversation. It was pointed out (as if we all didn’t already know this) by artie, that anyone could have listened to the replays during the day today had they wanted.
But this again assumes, that a person WOULD KNOW that they wanted to hear something, and would be home and not sleeping, working, or whatever ‘ing’ they might be involved in at the exact time of the replay. They’d also have to be AT their computer, and manage to get back on the tuner (missing how much of the replay?) every hour as they were bounced off.
I know I’d sure like to hear that conversation! Last night on air it was reported that: Jim Watson ki6gu, insulted Trish. That Trish k4ze, went away ‘mad’ (Trish, was it worth all you’ve gone through?). That Moody wq6i, thought the whole event ‘magnified’ (My word, not his – but since I don’t have a recording, I have to go on memory, which is admittedly poor.). This is ALL second and third hand info, as I didn’t hear it myself and again, have no recordings.
Since I am obviously not a HAM, therefore not a member of the 'cult of the loop', I do not have access to the few hour-long segments, that some HAMS did record. If you have one of these segments, please email to me at !
Lastly, this is all totally nuts!!!
-Stop that 1 hr kick off on the Pahrump Tuner, at least till some other ‘streaming’ tuners are online.
-Why can’t artie put up a second, non s-meter, ‘streaming’ tuner?
-Why can’t s-meter ASSIGN 10 slots just for designated streamers, that wouldn’t be ‘kicked’???
-Offer to help Jim n7js, with his HamStreams project (Jim, can I be of help?)
-If you are in a position to stream, get it up and going!
-If 3840HamFans can help in any way with these projects, please let me know.