Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Art Bell & Karen Larimore

6/29/04 11:25 pm 3.840 usb
Art Bell "Well, I heard what happened to Karen when she tried to give evvy something."

A couple of minutes later: "Too bad, because I have some computers to give away, but I just don't want to chance it."

The question is: What did Karen EVER give to me???

She once bought an old partially functioning Yeseau transceiver she bought for $35 on eBay (she said).

I purchased a pizza. I loaned her hundreds of dollars worth of software for her computer.

When the Yeasu DID NOT work for me; I called Karen Larimore. She came and picked it up. I again bought us a pizza.

So just WHAT did the liar Karen GIVE to me??? Let Karen come forward and state otherwise!

And just what kind of relationship do these two have: the worshiper and stalker Karen, and the worshiped, Art Bell?

Art does not want to see Karens' lies, face the reality of her seeking him out. If he did, what would that make him look like?

The emperor is definitely naked. Not only naked, but a mean-spirited egocentric, AFRAID of finding out and dealing with the truth.

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