Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3.740 Name That Dog!

On the evening of March 5, 2007 the Short Attention Span Network (3.740) had a ‘naming’ ceremony for Tony’s ae6qv, new Chocolate Lab.

Tony had been dogless since his Golden Lab, a pal of many years, had passed (we have all been there, yes?). Recently, Tony sought to fill the void with a new personality, and found this wonderful Chocolate Lab at a local shelter and adopted her.

Being a ‘giving’ person, Tony shared the experience with all who was on or listened to the Short Attention Span Network. Including letting them help pick out a name!

So, of course this meant that there was a ‘naming contest’ that lasted over a period of nights. Many name suggestions were rendered on air, via email, and through a phone patch. Tony was the absolute chooser of the ‘winning’ name.

The date and time of the ‘naming ceremony’ was announced, and the production went on the air (thankfully, without Steve’s presence!).

The entire event was a blast! Those Hams really know how to have fun! And how to put on a ‘class-act broadcast’.

Here is the link to the recordings of that night’s events (and a record of how I became the ‘Godmother’ of a Chocolate Lab!). Good luck to Tony and his new pal. And a good scratch behind the ears too...

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