Thursday, September 29, 2005

JimandLeahs up and running!!!

And it's a blast!

I just spent an hour wandering around it looking and trying out stuff. The 'opener' is slick, professional, and a 'hoot'.

The tuner is back, and thankfully, it's going to be passworded eventually (I already applied for mine, Jim!).

And the java chatroom is there, and though I didn't have anyone to 'chat' with, it seemed to work seamlessly.

SSTV (whatever that is) is back.

New, is a weather module that is interesting. But I didn't see any (doesn't mean it isn't there folks, just means I didn't notice it) atmospheric conditions, or space weather stuff (sunspots). I do like my weather stuff!

New, is HamStreams, where you can listen in to various streams from Hams that wish to sign up. So far there seem to be two 'slots' being used, and several waiting for takers. (I think I'm gonna love this feature!). I actually listened to one for a few minutes, don't know what I was listening to, but was great that I could DO IT...

Missing was a 3840HamFans banner. But that's because our new logos & banners haven't been unveiled yet (soon to come!).

Terrific job Jim!!!!
Please note new tuner addie:


Anonymous said...

Typo's Its

Anonymous said...

Cool now artie can bag his!! NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR 3.840. Its great that jimandleahs is back up. A REAL tuner that didnt cost 20.000 dollars and you can tune it. The funny thing is arties reciever is just that, no control or anything. Artie you got ripped off!!! Hey share your pcanywhere connection with everyone so we all can tune it. Don't like to share huh? Oh well hey i have a new club its called kiss my

evvy garrett said...

anon wrote:
>>>Oh well hey i have a new club its called kiss my

Thanks, ALL opinions are welcome here!

And 'stay tuned' you may also like my NEXT 3840 Grudge Report!


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