Sunday, May 01, 2005

The SD Padres and Art Bell!

This afternoon, while watching the Padres lose (again!), to the Diamondbacks, an interesting thing happened.

Sometime after the 7th inning stretch, with the Padres several runs behind, I got busy doing something else in another room, but was listening.

Mark Grant and another announcer were talking about a statue, or piece of art, that is apparently located outside the Diamondbacks stadium. One said that he fully expected an 'alien' to exit the 'ufo' every time he saw it.

Mark Grant said it was large enough to be 'the mother ship'.

Then Mark Grant said, "Someone ought to call Art Bell, so he can tell us what it is."

Now this was a local broadcast, and I don't know who else might have been broadcasting this one game, but that's pretty good coverage for 'free' advertising! Or would that be considered a 'product endorsement'?

At any rate, there was nothing derogatory about the conversation, in fact, the entire conversation as well as their tone of voice, would suggest the opposite.

I found it funny though, because I know how much Art dislikes baseball (I sure don't understand that! But then I HATE football...)

I don't have Art's phone number or I would have given him a ring. And he probably has my email blocked, and ditto MSN Messenger. But I'm sure that someone from San Diego (there are any number of HAMS here), gave him a heads up. If not, artie, you really ought to 'reconnect' me, sometimes I actually have info you may be interested in!!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also hate football and like baseball.


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